Insights for you.

One of the cool things about being a Healthcare Highways member is that we’re constantly creating and curating content to help keep you informed, healthy, and happy. We hope you’ll find it helpful, and welcome your suggestions.

Making a Splash, Safely

Whether you are swimming at a local neighborhood pool, or having fun in the pool in the backyard, it’s important to remember these water safety tips.

Men’s Health Month Encourages Proactive Wellness

Men's Health Month is dedicated to raising awareness about preventable health issues and encouraging early detection and treatment of diseases among men and boys.

Protecting Vision During Celebrations

Fireworks are a staple of celebrations. However, fireworks pose significant risks, particularly to our eyes. Every year, thousands of people suffer eye injuries due to fireworks, many of which could be prevented with proper precautions.

The Importance of Early Skin Cancer Detection and Treatment

Skin cancer poses a significant challenge, impacting millions worldwide annually. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, one in five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70. Early detection and treatment are highlighted during Skin Cancer Month.

Breaking the Stigma During Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental health is not just an individual concern; it's a societal one. May is Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. It’s a time to raise awareness of and reduce the stigma surrounding behavioral health issues.

Stroke Month Puts the Spotlight on Awareness, Education, and Life-Saving Strateg...

Every year, strokes impact millions of lives worldwide, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. According to the American Stroke Association a stroke is the number five leading cause of death in the United States.

Navigating the Challenges and Understanding ADHD in a Hyperactive World 

In today's hyperactive world, individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) face unique challenges. Understanding and navigating these difficulties are crucial steps toward creating an inclusive and supportive environment.

Eating the Rainbow – Building a Colorful Plate for Ideal Nutrition 

There's a simple and visually appealing strategy gaining popularity – eating the rainbow. This concept revolves around creating a vibrant, colorful plate by incorporating a diverse range of fruits and vegetables, each color representing a unique set of health benefits.

Transforming Healthcare in the Digital Age with Telehealth

In recent years, the healthcare landscape has undergone a significant transformation, with the emergence of telehealth as a game-changer. This approach has become increasingly significant today, offering many benefits that enhance accessibility and overall patient care.