Insights for you.

One of the cool things about being a Healthcare Highways member is that we’re constantly creating and curating content to help keep you informed, healthy, and happy. We hope you’ll find it helpful, and welcome your suggestions.

April is Autism Acceptance Month: Let’s Be Clear(er)!

What’s the difference between ‘autism awareness’ and ‘autism acceptance’?

Kidney Disease: Avoiding the “Silent Killer”

Getting a checkup? Make sure to get your kidneys checked too for National Kidney Month.

We Have the (Healthy) Guts!

Your digestive system works overtime to leave no nutrient behind. Are you giving your gut the support it needs?

Listen Closely (Your Heart is Talking to You!)

Hand over heart—when was the last time you checked in with your cardiovascular health? February is #HeartMonth and it matters now more than ever.

What’s the Deal with Cold Weather and Heart Attacks?

Colder winters, hotter summers. Recent findings advise care and caution when working in extreme conditions.

The Power of Preventive Care

If an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, imagine the worth of your preventive healthcare in 2023!

Telehealth: All the Comforts of Home

It’s good to have options! We’re getting better acquainted with virtual healthcare in our blog this month.

When Winter Goes Viral

What every cell in your body needs you to know about preventing viral illness like RSV and the flu.

Diabetes Awareness Saves Lives!

As the number of diagnosed diabetes cases reaches 37.5 million in the United States, people living with the disease are seeing hope for new and better treatments – if not yet a cure.