Empowering Brokers
Medical Provider Network Solutions for Your Clients
Empower Your Clients, Expand Your Offerings. Partner With Healthcare Highways.
Employers want a plan that fits them—one that helps them declare independence from payor control so they can improve member outcomes, reduce costs, and access their own plan data.

Go Beyond Traditional Insurance. Offer Your Clients a Unique and Attractive Alternative
We are restoring competition in the marketplace and great things are happening, outcomes are improving, and, as a result, so are employer savings — an average 15-30% in total cost of care.*

Expand Your Offerings and Win More Clients With Innovative Level-Funded Plans
Empower your clients to take control of their healthcare costs with transparent and predictable plans.
Employers are Ready for Change
Build stronger client relationships by becoming a trusted advisor who helps them navigate the healthcare landscape.
Ready to Talk?
See how we are the right solution, at the right time!