Insights for you.

One of the cool things about being a Healthcare Highways member is that we’re constantly creating and curating content to help keep you informed, healthy, and happy. We hope you’ll find it helpful, and welcome your suggestions.

From Awareness to Action: Colorectal Cancer Month Advocacy

March marks Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month which is dedicated to raising awareness about the symptoms of colon cancer, and ongoing efforts to combat it.

National Heart Health Month Shines Spotlight on Cardiovascular Wellness for Wome...

Empower yourself with the knowledge to implement a heart-healthy lifestyle and prioritize wellness. Join us on the journey to promote strong hearts and understand the importance of awareness and prevention.

National Cancer Prevention Month and Its Significance

Uncover the significance of National Cancer Prevention Month in our latest blog. Explore the impact of proactive measures, regular screenings and bringing awareness to prevention.

The Rising Significance of Pharmacists

The role of pharmacists as expert guides is becoming increasingly vital. Beyond dispensing medications, pharmacists are emerging as indispensable healthcare partners, offering expert guidance and personalized advice to individuals.

Guard Against Cervical Cancer: The Importance of Pap Smears

Cervical cancer is no match for knowledge and prevention. Regular check-ups, Pap smears, and HPV vaccinations are your armor. Prevention is power. Read more about the importance of prevention and early detection.

World AIDS Day: Raising Awareness About the AIDS Pandemic

World AIDS Day is a time to bring awareness of HIV, encourage testing, and educate about the options for treatment. You are not alone!

Inhale and Exhale: The Smoking Pandemic

Smoking cessation, or quitting smoking, is the best way to reduce the risk of developing cancer.

Living With Diabetes: Prevention and Management

According to the American Diabetes Association®, over 37 million Americans have diabetes and another 96 million have prediabetes, causing more deaths than breast cancer and AIDS combined.

Diabetic Retinopathy: A Vision Threat

There are options for care and treatment, but it is important to catch diabetic retinopathy early. Attending regular eye exams is crucial to maintaining eye health.