Insights for you.

One of the cool things about being a Healthcare Highways member is that we’re constantly creating and curating content to help keep you informed, healthy, and happy. We hope you’ll find it helpful, and welcome your suggestions.

Substance Abuse Disorders: The Truth About Alcohol Addiction

Is alcoholism a choice or a medical condition? Learn what Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) is and why some people become addicted and others don't.

Screening Saves Lives: March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Regular colorectal cancer screenings can help catch cancer early, which means these tests can literally save lives.

Caring for Chronic Kidney Disease

1 in 7 Americans have chronic kidney disease. Most don’t know they have it. Our Care Coordination team is here to help.

American Heart Month: Here's What You Need to Know

We'll break down several common heart conditions and the important information you'll need to know to keep your heart healthy and your body safe.

National Cancer Prevention Month: 10 Tips to Reduce your Risk of Cancer

February is National Cancer Prevention Month. Here are 10 lifestyle recommendations to reduce your risk of developing cancer.

The Rise of Teen Loneliness: How Can You Help?

Teen loneliness and depression have skyrocketed in the past decade. What's going on? And what can you do to help?

Care can be Costly: Make Sure You're Prepared

It’s important to know where to go when you need medical care. Knowing your options and planning ahead can make a big difference in how much you pay and how long you may have to wait for care.

Keeping Your Gut in Check

Your gut. It’s the portal for processing food and nutrients. It has a hand in many critical functions of the body so it’s imperative to keep it balanced and healthy.

Seasonal Sadness: Coping with the Winter Blues

The down mood and fatigue people feel during the fall and winter months isn’t just the “winter blues,” but may rather be a treatable condition known as seasonal affective disorder.